Building Bridges on Liberation Day

Gedenken zum Kriegsende 1945

Ein Mitschnitt unserer Veranstaltung steht auf YouTube bereit. Ein Auszug aus dem Wortbeitrag von Jan-Christian Petersen ist im humanistischen Magazin diesseits Nr.128 (Seite 18) erschienen. Im Folgenden lesen Sie die englischsprachige Projektseite.

Building Bridges on Liberation Day

Watch it on YouTube! The participants on the podium have been recorded. May 8, 2021

Guests on the virtual podium
Wayne Laufert (Baltimore, USA) | KVML Baltimore chapter | vonnegutbaltimore Jan-Christian Petersen (Husum, GER) | Humanistische Initiative |
Rüdiger Hesse (Owschlag, GER) | Combat Veteran e.V. |

Click the image to view the invitation card. The event was held in English.

What is Liberation Day?
On May 8, 1945, the German Wehrmacht surrendered, which marked the end of World War II in Europe. It was a turning point in our history that paved the way to a humane and democratic society. On May 8, 2021, we celebrate liberation from Nazi Germany and our growing German–American friendship.

Background: In 2020, Liberation Day became a day of remembrance recognized by the government of the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. All 20 events can be found on

Celebrating with Kurt Vonnegut
In February 1945, Kurt Vonnegut (1922 – 2007) survived the destruction of Dresden by Allied bombers. Traumatized by war, he wrote one of the most influential novels of his generation: Slaughterhouse-Five.

American Humanist Association, German Humanist Association (HVD), Bürgerstiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Gedenkstätten , Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library